Hello and welcome to our home on the web! My name is Brett Allen Morgan. I own and operate BAMBAM Entertainment. If you are seeking to discover the secrets of playing the guitar and unlocking your true potential for creativity through music you have come to the right place. I have had the tremendous honor and privilege of sharing knowledge, talent, and life with incredible people just like you over the past 22 years. We have steadily grown into what we now call the BAMBAM Entertainment family, an organization of quality people who have made a decision to take their passion for music to the next level by committing a portion of their time and energy to build their basic skills and knowledge into a bridge that will lead them to the dream they have of becoming a creative and flourishing musician. I encourage you to have a look around the site and learn more about BAMBAM Entertainment as well as meet the students, see their accomplishments and see what else we offer that may be of interest to you or someone you know

Students can expect a warm and friendly welcome every time they step through the door of our 100+-year-old farmhouse for their lesson. Each one of them is given very personalized guidance and direction that begins with the very first time we meet around the kitchen table over some snacks and soft drinks. From that meeting, our friendship begins and together we commence to build a plan for your success, tailored to your style and set at your desired pace.

Whether you are the “Mom & Dad Taxi” for the student or you are a student who arrives a bit early for your lesson you will find plenty of ways to enjoy your time with us. You can relax while enjoying a soft drink and snack in our kitchen. You can veg out and read a magazine, a book from our library, or some of your own reading material on our comfy love seat in the “Veg Room”. Do you have the whole family with you?? No problem. We have a place for kids to get homework done and plenty of games to keep them entertained. Since we have 50 acres of elbow room, you may choose to relax outside in the summer months. We have plenty of refreshing places to sit around the property. If you are more energetic and want to get some exercise you may choose to hike on our nature trail or take a brisk walk down our scenic country road. You are our guest while you are here and we hope you’ll find your visit with us each week an added value to the way you spend your time. Students range in age from 4yrs old to 75yrs young and come from as many backgrounds as their reasons for wanting to learn how to play the guitar. So… what are you waiting for??? Let’s get started!! Individual time slots are 30 minutes long and cost $17.00. After reviewing the weekly schedule page on this site, feel free to contact me to have your questions answered and discuss which time slot would work best for you.